Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The truth about John Calvin and his remarkable influence...

From Doug’s Blog…

"Where Did America’s Founders Get Their Principles of Liberty?
In the span of one week, our president denied the distinctively Christian origins of the American Republic, and then dedicated a month to the glorification of sodomy and other forms of perversion. We need to be praying for this man and our nation. We also need to get the facts on our history.
Ladies and gentlemen — if you would like an encouraging dose of historical perspective that offers a hopeful response to our president’s agenda of moral confusion, please take a moment and read Dan Ford’s article on the Reformation origins of American liberty. Dan is a published author, lecturer, and one of our featured speakers at the Reformation 500 Celebration. His thesis is this: At the time of America’s Declaration of Independence, the literal path of liberty had been paved for over two hundred years — from John Calvin’s indelible writings on civil government to the sermons, essays, and books of our Puritan forefathers, modern liberty was birthed in the doctrines of the Reformation. If you grew up in a Church that taught falsehoods about the Reformers (i.e. John Calvin murdered Servetus), or held their doctrines in low esteem, you owe it to yourself and your children to get the facts. Dan’s article is one of those resources and you can read it by clicking here."

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