Monday, June 1, 2009

From World Net Daily!...

"He's back! Ten Commandments judge takes on Obama
Roy Moore runs for governor, promotes 'So Help Me God'

Posted: June 01, 200912:37 am Eastern© 2009 WorldNetDaily

WASHINGTON – Barack Obama has another outspoken critic on the stump today – Judge Roy Moore, former chief justice of the Alabama Supreme Court launches his run for governor of that state and hits the national media promoting release of his autobiographical manifesto, "So Help Me God."
Moore is scheduled for appearances tomorrow on "Fox & Friends," the Dennis Miller radio show, the Steve Malzberg radio show and other venues
. He appears tonight on Alan Colmes' radio show and later on Bill Cunningham, Lee Rodgers and Sean Hannity's Fox News program.
Moore's campaign for governor won't be a traditional race for statewide office. It is certain to become a national campaign, as his likely Democratic opponent in 2010 is Rep. Artur Davis, a friend of Obama from Harvard Law School who stands behind all of the president's most controversial policies. Moore, on the other hand, became a national hero to many conservatives and Christians for standing up for the acknowledgement of God while in public office – a position that cost him his elected office of chief justice.
A previously unseen video clip of then-state Attorney General Bill Pryor grilling Moore about his refusal to stop acknowledging God while in office casts the "Ten Commandments judge" in a sympathetic new light for many who previously misunderstood the controversy in Alabama.

Moore was picked as a likely winner in the state's 2010 governor's race in a February poll. Meanwhile, a poll conducted earlier this month by Davis shows him ahead of all likely Democratic challengers and all Republicans except Moore.
A press release issued two weeks ago by the Davis camp said, "The memo states that Davis has higher name identification than other announced or likely Democratic or Republican candidates with the exception of former Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore."
Moore's book is being published by WND Books and he serves as a WND columnist."

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