Thursday, June 4, 2009

From Voddie Baucham's Blog

An interesting post about homeschooling from Voddie Baucham’s blog… It is interesting to note how the media and socialist liberals are eager to attack homeschooling. It is a good reminder to us of the importance of education from a Christian perspective. The state’s primary tool used to socially engineer the people towards communism and Marxism is the public education system which they have thoroughly succeeded in monopolizing. Thus the general rise of home education is a small and growing weed with deep roots that they(communists and Marxists) are most anxious to pull up.

Be sure to follow the link in the middle that leads you to Voddie’s previous posts on Gramscian Marxism.

Voddie Baucham’s recent post…

"USA Today Misses the Mark on Homeschool Trends entirely.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

As a homeschool father, I am weary of fielding the same old questions by those who don’t understand my educational choice. Sometimes I feel like carrying signs that read, “Yes, one of us has an education degree” (and no that is neither required, nor is it necessarily beneficial). “No, we don’t worry about our kids being able to get into college” (many colleges actually prefer and recruit homeschoolers). And if I hear one more person ask me about socialization I just may throw up! Virtually all of these harmless questions come from other Christians. However, there is a new line of argumentation coming from outside the Christian community that is especially sinister..."

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