Thursday, December 24, 2009

Tyrany Eve

From the blog of Matt Chancey:
"A Christmas Eve Manifesto

By a son of Liberty

Today, most of the world from New York to Nairobi and Jerusalem to Christchurch will pause in preparation for the commemoration of one of the world’s most significant events: the birth of Jesus Christ, God’s only begotten Son, the Savior of the world..." Keep Reading

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The 96th Birthday of the Federal Reserve Corporation

The Federal Reserve is incorporated on December 23, 1913. And the 8th commandment is overtly violated by seven men who craft their bill called the Federal Reserve Act on a supposed duck hunting trip.
Read more in Peter Allison's excellent book, Dollar Noncents, The Respected Fraud and Beneficial Devestation of the Federal Reserve Corporation.

Purchase the book here

Visit Mr. Allison's website for more information: