Monday, June 1, 2009

Cod Still Recovering from Darwin Bulldog's Bite
by Brian Thomas, M.S.*

Cod fish dominated massive areas of the North Atlantic Ocean until somewhat recently, when their numbers dramatically dwindled due to overfishing. Interestingly, that population decline can be directly attributed to the advice of an outspoken evolutionist.

During the late nineteenth century, cod numbers were diminishing and fishermen were forced to travel farther for fewer fish. They sought counsel from a British Royal Commission on trawling, of which Charles Darwin’s “bulldog,” Thomas Henry Huxley, was a leading member. Huxley advised the fishermen to continue fishing wantonly, calling their complaints “unscientific.”1 He reasoned that only the weak cod would get caught, and the stronger ones left in the ocean would continue to evolve because of their struggle to survive.

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