In Britain, police are bracing for the summer riots. The year 2009 has become the year of runaway unemployment, social chaos, and cultural confusion. The authorities expect the summer riots to get ugly.
British citizens were supposed to be happy in 2009. They are not.[1] This is an awkward disappointment for Britain’s social engineers, who had engineered a full year of celebratory splendor to honor a favorite son. 2009 was to have been the year of triumph for Charles Darwin — the greatest social engineer of them all.
Ever since Darwin published the idea that the English were one of the “favoured races,” one hundred and fifty years ago, Britons have been trying to make him a national and international hero. This year, Darwin’s 200th birthday year, was to be a great hero-making opportunity. The Church of England planned a formal apology to Darwin for “misunderstanding” his theology. The British Council, the Royal Geographical Society, the BBC, the University of Cambridge and dozens of other agencies, museums, and organizations[2] planned extravagant memorials to Darwin. Each depict him as a historical superstar. Their exhibitions remind the world that Britain embraced Darwin as much more than a mere naturalist. This is a convenient spin. As a naturalist, Darwin was an incompetent observer, and his findings have been discredited.
The reinvented Darwin has great utility as the founding father of modern Britain. This is his official image for the year 2009, even in exhibitions where his own “tree of life” diagrams and improperly-labeled specimens disgrace him. The Natural History Museum, for example, is putting final touches on a £78 million landmark temple to Darwinism, part of their massive Darwin Centre, which opens this fall. They were expecting many proud and happy celebrants. Before the riots, that is.
It is not dishonest to present Darwin as the architect of modern Britain. His rash ideas and religious propaganda took Britain directly into the militant leftism of the twentieth century, and headlong into the calamities of 2009. Today Darwin’s ideas live in the hearts of those British functionaries who want to honor their spiritual ancestor. These intellectual descendants of Darwin know him mostly as an ideological icon. However, they know enough about his work to know better than to honor him as a social scientist. They should be rightly ashamed of the ideological and fraudulent science that characterizes Darwin’s work. But they are not ashamed. They sincerely believe Darwin is the hero responsible for a new evolutionary stage of British greatness. This is what is so morbidly grotesque about the British celebrations.
In 2009, the United Kingdom is dying before the eyes of a watching world. Do Darwin’s British disciples sincerely believe that Britain’s modern downfall, her cultural disintegration and social chaos[3] are a step forward? Do they believe Britain’s demise is evolutionary progress and even social salvation? If so, the legacy of Charles Darwin is especially chilling. It represents self-directed societal devolution into a stage of willful ignorance. It also represents the forced devolution, dehumanization, and derangement of human reason."
Read the entire article here.
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