Senate Confirms Radical Anti-gunner to the U.S. Supreme Court but Obama nomination suffers a higher than normal number of opposition votes.
The Senate easily confirmed the nomination of Judge Sonia Sotomayor to the U.S. Supreme Court. Only 31 Senators took seriously their oath to uphold the Constitution and voted against this radical anti-gun nominee, with 68 voting for confirmation. All the Democrats in attendance voted for Sotomayor, while nine Republicans joined their ranks.
The common refrain heard in the Senate before the vote was: “The President deserves his pick.” Of course, Senator Barrack Obama did not hold that view in 2006, when he opposed President Bush’s pick of Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court. Then-Senator Obama said:
“There are some who believe that the President, having won the election, should have the complete authority to appoint his nominee, and the Senate should only examine whether or not the Justice is intellectually capable and an all-around nice guy. That once you get beyond intellect and personal character, there should be no further question whether the judge should be confirmed. I disagree with this view. I believe firmly that the Constitution calls for the Senate to advise and consent. I believe that it calls for meaningful advice and consent that includes an examination of a judge's philosophy, ideology, and record.”
...Thank you, everyone, for putting the heat on your Senators. President Obama would do well to interpret 31 NO votes as a “shot across the bow.” With his approval ratings plummeting, the president’s next Supreme Court pick may have to be far more in the mainstream."
Read the article (outside link)
Thursday, August 20, 2009
The state of Alaska is sovereign…
“On July 10, 2009, Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin became the second governor in these States United (Governor Phil Bredesen of Tennessee is the other one) to sign into effect a State Sovereignty Resolution. (See ). These Sovereignty-type bills, resolutions and laws are an obvious and rightful response that the super-majority of the States in the Union is expressing to and against the usurping powers of the federal government. While the effects of federal tyranny are being felt more seriously than ever, history and human nature prove that the people of a society do not respond or revolt immediately against tyranny--though they have a right to. America's resistance is no different. Fortunately, the sleeping giant is being awakened, to the dismay of our Centralist-worshipers today…” Keep Reading (outside link)
Bush plans to make a North American Union similar to the European Union
In an international news conference in Guadalajara, Mexico on August 8, Howard Phillips, Chairman of the Coalition to Block the North American Union, will call for President Obama to fulfill his pledge to restore transparency and citizen involvement in the summit, and to abandon the Bush scheme of creating a North American Union similar to the European Union. As a candidate for President, Barack Obama submitted an op-ed to The Dallas Morning News published on February 20, 2008, which said "Starting my first year in office, I will convene annual meetings with Mr. Calderon and the prime minister of Canada. Unlike similar summits under President Bush, these will be conducted with a level of transparency that represents the close ties among our three countries. We will seek the active and open involvement of citizens, labor, the private sector and non-governmental organizations[emphasis added] in setting the agenda and making progress." Read the article (outside link)
Negative Response to health care bill
An irate Michigan father worried over what Obamacare would do to his handicapped adult son reports he was threatened after trying to get a direct answer from Rep. John Dingell, D-Mich., and has a warning of his own for those who made the threats. Sola said he demanded information about what Obamacare would provide for his son, and Dingell responded with a statement that there is an amendment to address the needs of the handicapped.
However, Sola said that amendment doesn't exist. The controversy erupted just as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (pictured above and to the right) expressed in a commentary that those who object vocally to the health care plan are "un-American."
According to a report from Associated Press, McCaskill faced "shouts and jeers" even in "friendly territory."
At Poplar Bluff, Mo., the report said, an audience of 500 applauded the loudest when Obama was called a socialist.
Another audience member asked, "Where's the birth certificate?" alluding to the dispute over Obama's still-unreleased eligibility documentation.
AP reported McCaskill was visibly frustrated and at one point said, "You guys are so mean."
The Obamacare package will be handled by Congress in a month when members return from several weeks of hearing from their constituents.
Read the article
However, Sola said that amendment doesn't exist. The controversy erupted just as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (pictured above and to the right) expressed in a commentary that those who object vocally to the health care plan are "un-American."
According to a report from Associated Press, McCaskill faced "shouts and jeers" even in "friendly territory."
At Poplar Bluff, Mo., the report said, an audience of 500 applauded the loudest when Obama was called a socialist.
Another audience member asked, "Where's the birth certificate?" alluding to the dispute over Obama's still-unreleased eligibility documentation.
AP reported McCaskill was visibly frustrated and at one point said, "You guys are so mean."
The Obamacare package will be handled by Congress in a month when members return from several weeks of hearing from their constituents.
Read the article
Christians in prison in Iran
MARYAM AND MARZIEH: “We will not deny our faith” In a dramatic session before the revolutionary court today in Tehran, Maryam Rustampoor (27) and Marzieh Amirizadeh (30) were told to recant their faith in Christ. Though great pressure was put on them, both women declared that they would not deny their faith. Maryam and Marzieh were originally arrested on March 5, 2009 and have suffered greatly while in prison, suffering ill health, solitary confinement and interrogations for many hours while blindfolded…” Keep Reading (outside link)
Conviction in 2010
“I believe that such conviction will move dissenters to the polls in 2010. In righteous anger, they will vote out the factional majority that now drives America to ruin. Until that election is over, we will not know whether the dissenters represent a winning electoral majority. But if those who oppose the socialist takeover act on their conviction, it will not matter when the media praises Obama to the skies in the run up to the 2010 election. It will not matter that his devoted media claque fabricates, for him and his allies, the aura of deserved victory. Instead of voting for the media-touted winners, people will vote to win a victory for liberty, conscience and the Constitution.” Read Alan Keye’s article
Parenting as Cultural Resistance
From Scott Brown’s blog
“Neil Postman, one of the truly insightful secular social commentators of the 20th century, was correct when he said that parenting was “Cultural Resistance.” In one of his books, “The Disappearance of Childhood” he outlines the devastating influences of our culture on childhood. At the end of the book he asks a question, “is the individual powerless to restrict what is happening?” He says,
‘The answer to this, in my opinion, is “No.” But, as with all resistance, there is a price to pay. Specifically, resistance entails conceiving of parenting as an act of rebellion against American culture…’ ” Keep Reading (outside link)
“Neil Postman, one of the truly insightful secular social commentators of the 20th century, was correct when he said that parenting was “Cultural Resistance.” In one of his books, “The Disappearance of Childhood” he outlines the devastating influences of our culture on childhood. At the end of the book he asks a question, “is the individual powerless to restrict what is happening?” He says,
‘The answer to this, in my opinion, is “No.” But, as with all resistance, there is a price to pay. Specifically, resistance entails conceiving of parenting as an act of rebellion against American culture…’ ” Keep Reading (outside link)
Ray Comfort answers an often-asked question about God
It would be good to read his answer so you know how to answer this question when it is put to you. (I personally remember Mrs. Junk talking with Mama about this question at Panera Bread!)
“Hi Ray, I have a sincere question: How do you know God is of the Christian variety? Equally devout Muslims disagree. If I'm on the fence, I need a better answer than 'I just KNOW. God has revealed himself to me.'"Good question. The thing that makes Christianity utterly unique is the cross. For it to make sense you have to back up from Jesus to Moses. He was the one who received the Ten Commandments from the hand of God. The Law of Moses was given to reveal God's standard of "righteousness." Now zoom forward about 1500 years to the time of Jesus. He was God in human form who came to earth to "magnify the Law and make it honorable." Keep Reading (outside link)
“Hi Ray, I have a sincere question: How do you know God is of the Christian variety? Equally devout Muslims disagree. If I'm on the fence, I need a better answer than 'I just KNOW. God has revealed himself to me.'"Good question. The thing that makes Christianity utterly unique is the cross. For it to make sense you have to back up from Jesus to Moses. He was the one who received the Ten Commandments from the hand of God. The Law of Moses was given to reveal God's standard of "righteousness." Now zoom forward about 1500 years to the time of Jesus. He was God in human form who came to earth to "magnify the Law and make it honorable." Keep Reading (outside link)
Environmentalism: The Death of “Science”
Tim Bloedow’s book is about another kind of science—science that has reunited itself to magic. For science to overstep its role as a tool of dominion under God, Rushdoony explained, “is to forsake science for magic. The purposes of modern science are increasingly those of magic, the exercise of total control. The essential goal of modern science is knowledge in order to have prediction, planning and control.”This kind of science is the death of useful science. And nowhere, writes Bloedow, can this be more clearly seen than in modern science’s embrace of environmentalism. Read the article (outside link)
New Nationwide Study Confirms Homeschool Academic Achievement
"In short, the results found in the new study are consistent with 25 years of research, which show that as a group homeschoolers consistently perform above average academically. The Progress Report also shows that, even as the numbers and diversity of homeschoolers have grown tremendously over the past 10 years, homeschoolers have actually increased the already sizeable gap in academic achievement between themselves and their public school counterparts-moving from about 30 percentile points higher in the Rudner study (1998) to 37 percentile points higher in the Progress Report (2009)."
Thursday, August 6, 2009
The Henry Louis Gates Jr./Cambridge police issue
Alan Keyes relates the story of this strange event
and asks “Which 'ism' [is] on display at Harvard arrest?” Racism or Narcissism?
David Limbaugh says this issue is so important because of our President’s response to our countries servant’s, the police.
“We should expect Obama, of all people, given his reputation for coolness and sagacity, to act presidentially, not only in measuring his thoughts before speaking but also in declining to comment on local matters beyond his duties and about which he doesn't have all the facts. But Obama's attitude toward the presidency is not particularly aligned with what our constitutional framers had in mind. He obviously believes it is his prerogative to micromanage any and every aspect of American life, from the catastrophic to the mundane.” Read A teachable moment, indeed
and asks “Which 'ism' [is] on display at Harvard arrest?” Racism or Narcissism?
David Limbaugh says this issue is so important because of our President’s response to our countries servant’s, the police.
“We should expect Obama, of all people, given his reputation for coolness and sagacity, to act presidentially, not only in measuring his thoughts before speaking but also in declining to comment on local matters beyond his duties and about which he doesn't have all the facts. But Obama's attitude toward the presidency is not particularly aligned with what our constitutional framers had in mind. He obviously believes it is his prerogative to micromanage any and every aspect of American life, from the catastrophic to the mundane.” Read A teachable moment, indeed
Modern-Day Daniel
You must read this article by Chuck Baldwin about a man in Florida named Frank Lay who is being prosecuted for praying! “…[A] federal district judge by the name of Casey Rodgers has instigated criminal charges against a high school principal by the name of Frank Lay and his athletic director, Robert Freeman. Their crime: praying. Their possible sentence: jail. Darius' prosecutors are federal attorneys Randy Hensel and Dixie Morrow. According to court records, Lay is accused of asking Freeman to offer a blessing before a January 28 luncheon at Pace (Florida) High School for people who helped with the school's new fieldhouse. And guess what? The documents in which the judge sought the criminal charges are sealed, meaning they are not open to public view. Why they are sealed, an unusual step, could not immediately be determined. (Source: Pensacola News Journal)” Read the article
Obama’s Health Care Bill in Trouble
Obama once again exposes his anti-American worldview…
“He [Obama] enjoys saying – incorrectly – Americans pay $6,000 more per year on health care than people of other advanced nations for no better care. The statement is abominably false. Just as Obama is manipulating the cost and benefit numbers to enlist popular and Blue Dog support for his socialized medicine conspiracy, he distorts statistics to make the specious claim that our health care system isn't far superior to all others.” Obama’s healthcare bill is stalled because of so-called Blue Dog conservative Democrats who believe the bill won’t pay for itself. As long as they are convinced of this the bill can’t go anywhere. Obama is sly and has plenty of tricks under his belt. Read David Limbaugh’s article
“He [Obama] enjoys saying – incorrectly – Americans pay $6,000 more per year on health care than people of other advanced nations for no better care. The statement is abominably false. Just as Obama is manipulating the cost and benefit numbers to enlist popular and Blue Dog support for his socialized medicine conspiracy, he distorts statistics to make the specious claim that our health care system isn't far superior to all others.” Obama’s healthcare bill is stalled because of so-called Blue Dog conservative Democrats who believe the bill won’t pay for itself. As long as they are convinced of this the bill can’t go anywhere. Obama is sly and has plenty of tricks under his belt. Read David Limbaugh’s article
The government owns part of you
You ask, “Why does the government fine me for not wearing a seatbelt? Isn’t that a personal decision?” Well, it would be if you were injured and paid your own hospital bills. But what if the government pays your hospital bills? Essentially, your health and thus a little part of yourself is owned by the government. Americans voluntarily give that jurisdiction over their freedoms to the state. Read Walter William’s article Americans have given up self-ownership.
Voddie Baucham analyzes Barack Obama
“The Day after the election, I wrote a blog that received a great deal of criticism. It turns out I was supposed to be so happy that black man won the presidency that there was no room for criticism. However, as the current healthcare debate deteriorates into ad hominem attacks and accusations of racism, I just had to reprint the following…” Read the article
Obama in Russia
“ ‘Obama went to Moscow desperate for the appearance of a foreign-policy success. He got that illusion – at a substantial cost to America’s security. … ‘He agreed to trim our nuclear-warhead arsenal by one-third and – even more dangerously – to cut the systems that deliver the nuclear payloads. In fact, the Russians don’t care much about our warhead numbers (which will be chopped to a figure ‘between 1,500 and 1,675’). ‘What they really wanted – and got – was a US cave-in regarding limits on our nuclear-capable bombers, submarines and missiles that could leave us with as few as 500 such systems, if the Russians continue to get their way as the final details are negotiated…” Read Howard Philip's article. Obama is essentially the American people’s ambassador on foreign soil and what an ambassador he is! His damaging policies are not limited to home! Pictured to the left: Obama discusses nuclear missiles with Russian president, Dmitry Medvedev.
Block Sonia
Sonia’s fondness for Foreign Law is a disqualification. Howard Phillips wrote an informative and educational article on the duties of a judge. "When Supreme Court justices take office, they take an oath that includes these words: ‘I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States.’…"It would be worth learning whether Judge Sotomayor believes that adhering to other countries’ laws is an offense for which a justice can be impeached. It also would be invaluable to remind all citizens and officeholders that we owe a moral debt to the Constitution that has made us, in Mr. Sessions’ fine words, ‘the freest nation on Earth.’ "Read the whole article
Voddie Baucham discusses the recent rise of Single Parent adoption
Which stems from the “I can raise a child by myself” philosophy, defying the system God set up where there are two parents with separate essential roles and God-given grace to raise their children. This is not to say that there can never be a child raised by only one parent because of unforeseen circumstances, but it should not be purposed. Read the article
Scott Brown on age-segregation
“A number of secular journalists are now reporting that researchers have discovered that one of the un-foreseen consequences of societal age segregation is prolonged immaturity, a strange brand of socialization dysfunction that creates odd and destructive subcultures, and the neutralization of wisdom from the previous generation. Example: a current problem where most men do not grow up or live like adults until age 30, according to Newsweek Magazine. Newsweek declares, ‘70% of young men are not grown up at 30 years of age (and that's up from 30% in 1970). In 1960, almost 70 percent of men had reached these milestones by the age of 30. Today, less than a third of males that age can say the same.’….” Keep Reading
What do we do with sin?
From the blog of Scott Brown:
"Arraign it, Accuse it, Spit on it - Hatred of Sin
: Scott Brown August 5, 2009
What kind of reactions should we have toward our sin? Thomas Goodwin says this,
Work in your hearts a hatred of sin… If a man had killed your friend, or father, or mother, how would you hate him! You would not endure the sight of him, but follow the law upon him. Send out the avenger of blood with a hue and cry after thy sin; bring it afore God’s judgment seat, arraign it, accuse it, spit on it, condemn it and thyself for it, have it to the cross, nail it there, if it cry I thirst, give it vinegar, stretch the body of sins upon his cross, stretch every vein of it, make the heart strings crack; and then when it hangs there, triumph over the dying of it, show it no pity, laugh at its destruction, say, Thou hast been a bloody sin to me and my husband, hang there and rot. And when thou art tempted to it [sin], and art very thirsty after the pleasure of it, say of that opportunity to enjoy it, It is the price of Christ’s blood, and pour it upon the ground. … Shall I live upon that which was Christ’s death? Shall I please myself in that which was his pain? Shall I be so dishonest, so unkind, as to enjoy the pleasure for which he endured the smart?
—Thomas Goodwin (1600—1679), Christ the Mediator in The Works of Thomas Goodwin (RHB), 5:294.
I found this excellent quote on Miscellanies Blog."
"Arraign it, Accuse it, Spit on it - Hatred of Sin
: Scott Brown August 5, 2009
What kind of reactions should we have toward our sin? Thomas Goodwin says this,
Work in your hearts a hatred of sin… If a man had killed your friend, or father, or mother, how would you hate him! You would not endure the sight of him, but follow the law upon him. Send out the avenger of blood with a hue and cry after thy sin; bring it afore God’s judgment seat, arraign it, accuse it, spit on it, condemn it and thyself for it, have it to the cross, nail it there, if it cry I thirst, give it vinegar, stretch the body of sins upon his cross, stretch every vein of it, make the heart strings crack; and then when it hangs there, triumph over the dying of it, show it no pity, laugh at its destruction, say, Thou hast been a bloody sin to me and my husband, hang there and rot. And when thou art tempted to it [sin], and art very thirsty after the pleasure of it, say of that opportunity to enjoy it, It is the price of Christ’s blood, and pour it upon the ground. … Shall I live upon that which was Christ’s death? Shall I please myself in that which was his pain? Shall I be so dishonest, so unkind, as to enjoy the pleasure for which he endured the smart?
—Thomas Goodwin (1600—1679), Christ the Mediator in The Works of Thomas Goodwin (RHB), 5:294.
I found this excellent quote on Miscellanies Blog."
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