Wednesday, August 6, 2008


From the blog of Howard Phillips
"Obama went to Moscow desperate for the appearance of a foreign-policy success. He got that illusion – at a substantial cost to America’s security. …
"He agreed to trim our nuclear-warhead arsenal by one-third and – even more dangerously – to cut the systems that deliver the nuclear payloads. In fact, the Russians don’t care much about our warhead numbers (which will be chopped to a figure ‘between 1,500 and 1,675’).
"What they really wanted – and got – was a US cave-in regarding limits on our nuclear-capable bombers, submarines and missiles that could leave us with as few as 500 such systems, if the Russians continue to get their way as the final details are negotiated.
"Moscow knows we aren’t going to start a nuclear war with Russia. Putin (forget poor ‘President’ Dimitry Medvedev) wants to cut our conventional capabilities to stage globe-spanning military operations. He wants to cut us down to Russia’s size.
"Our problem is that many nuclear-delivery systems – such as bombers or subs – are ‘dual-use’: A B-2 bomber can launch nukes, but it’s employed more frequently to deliver conventional ordnance.
"Putin sought to cripple our ability to respond to international crises. Obama, meanwhile, was out for ‘deliverables’ – deals that could be signed in front of the cameras. Each man got what he wanted.
"Obama even expressed an interest in further nuclear-weapons cuts. Peace in our time, ladies and gentlemen, peace in our time . . .
"We just agreed to the disarmament position of the American Communist Party of the 1950s."

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