Thursday, August 20, 2009

The state of Alaska is sovereign…

“On July 10, 2009, Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin became the second governor in these States United (Governor Phil Bredesen of Tennessee is the other one) to sign into effect a State Sovereignty Resolution. (See ). These Sovereignty-type bills, resolutions and laws are an obvious and rightful response that the super-majority of the States in the Union is expressing to and against the usurping powers of the federal government. While the effects of federal tyranny are being felt more seriously than ever, history and human nature prove that the people of a society do not respond or revolt immediately against tyranny--though they have a right to. America's resistance is no different. Fortunately, the sleeping giant is being awakened, to the dismay of our Centralist-worshipers today…” Keep Reading (outside link)

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